Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Oh and happy easter :)

I'd love to say I've had a great day with food... but that would be a lie. Went well until I felt deprived after dinner, even though salmon quiche is now probably my favourite dish (7 points per serve (serves 4)... with pastry!) and just started eating. I'm so sick of it. I don't even want what I eat, I just think "oh well, another wasted day, may as well do it right."

I've realised too that I'm sick of the same old thing. I'm sick of counting points. I want to just eat when I'm genuinely hungry - healthy, filling food. I'm fine with eating roughly the same thing each day (that's how I originally lost 18kgs), so I'm thinking I'll just stick to a few alternatives (of the same points values), but not have to constantly count points all day.

I like that it's the end of March tonight... I feel like tomorrow can be a new start - if I want this enough. I thought I did... so why aren't I doing anything about it? I read on the WW message boards this morning, a lady had a comment at the bottom a post... "only track on the days you want to lose weight." Wow. Never thought of it that way. It kinda sparked something with me. That it's just one day you have to eat healthy for. And then you do the same thing the next day. While it's necessary to have a long term goal in mind, it can be daunting (when that goal ends up being 2 months down the track). But one day is easy. And then you just repeat that. In a WW mag once I remember reading "success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." So true.

Off to Brissy tomorrow. Will try and avoid supper tomorrow night, so that I can at least have one good day before a potentially bad weekend. Tomorrow will be easy - I'm at uni from 9-11, and then I'm driving home (5 hours) and then another 5 hours to Brissy. I don't eat when I travel, so it won't be a problem. I won't have access to the net until Monday night or perhaps Tuesday morning, so will be back then. And hopefully with a positive report.

Have decided to take 2 friends and my mum out in our canoe for my 22nd birthday, and then have a picnic lunch and girly sleepover. I like the idea of doing something active and fun for my birthday, rather than a huge feast. I'll provide the picnic and then work something out for dinner, so that I can control points (the friends I'm taking should be impressed too, as they are both dieters from way back lol). I don't want to feel sick and sorry for myself on my birthday... yet it will be hard to deprive myself too! Might have to eat 0 point veggies and soup to save as many points as I can for the evening!

Anyway, better start packing. Been slack all afternoon... talk soon! Oh and happy easter :)

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