Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tiger toast!

Well here I am, the night before WW weigh in tomorrow morning and I've done it! I've managed to go 9 days straight eating healthy and 7 of those eating 18 points for a fast start! So proud of myself! This morning I was super happy to see 63.8kgs on the scales! Can't wait to see what I am tomorrow, but at least I know I've lost 1.2kgs this week! I'm stoked with that achievement :)

Had tiger toast for brekkie (vegemite and strips of cheese) and a blueberry smoothie for brekkie. Went to uni for barely 1.5 hours, and then came home and prepared another smoothie (I'm addicted!) with a open salad sandwich with homemade hommus. Dinner tonight was delicious too - tandoori chicken with mint and cucumber yoghurt, rice and salad. Enjoyed all of it, and it was quite filling too!

So the plan for the next week or so is 19 points daily. Then comes challenge number 1 - easter weekend! We always buy fudge on the Saturday before Easter at this quaint little shop at the conference. I didn't realise it was 3.5 points per 50g! I think I usually buy about $10 worth which is probably between 250 and 500g, so think of all those points! This year I plan to just buy $5 worth; the lemon cheesecake and strawberries and cream (my favourites!) - it'll put me over points, but if I spread it out over 2 days, don't have any easter eggs on Sunday and remember that I only do this once a year, it should be fine!

Just watching the Biggest Loser - love love love this show! So inspirational. I think I want Phil or Lisa to win. It's funny how you become so fond of the contestants, they have just come so far on their journeys! The finale will be a great night :)... and sad too, as the show will be over till next year!

Can't wait to report tomorrow on my success this week!

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